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Ebenezer Baptist Church
303 Airport Rd
Trenton, S.C.
Pastor Bill Eckles Cell: 706-755-0151
Loving God & Loving Others
John 3:16

Born November 30, 1956 in Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. I was saved at 16 years of age and called to preach July, 1985. I received my ordination into the ministry in 1992 at Ramah First Baptist Church, Palmetto, Ga. I'm a graduate of Central Christian Schools in East Point, Ga. in 1975. I received degrees from Liberty University, Luther Rice Seminary and my Doctorate from Andersonville Baptist Seminary. I started a mission church and pastored 6 full time churches and 2 bi-vocational churches.  I also have done 3 short term mission trips to Australia, Russia, and Honduras. My wife, Beverly, is a retired Teacher's Assistant. We have 6 children and 12 grandchildren.Â

Service Times
SS Bible Study 10am
Worship 11am & 6pm
Ensemble Practice 4:30pm
Children’s Church provided
2nd and 4th Sundays.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting
3rd Wednesday Monthly
630pm Supper
7pm Wmu/Brotherhood
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